Find the Hidden Elves Competition – Shop in Ivanhoe




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Find Santa's Elves in Ivanhoe

Find the Hidden Elves Competition

Find Santa’s Elves in Ivanhoe for your chance to WIN!

There are six sneaky elves hidden somewhere in the Ivanhoe Shopping Centre!

Find the hidden elves (clue: they’re on the ground) in Ivanhoe to win an Elf on the Shelf! There are 5 to giveaway.
It’s easy to enter –

  1. Find and take a colour photo of a hidden Elf in Ivanhoe
  2. Upload to Facebook or Instagram and hashtag #ElvesinIvanhoe #ShopinIvanhoe.
  3. Repeat for each different elf you find for more chances to win!

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Promotion ends 5pm Thursday 14th December 2017. Winners drawn on Friday 15th December 2017 and will be notified via Facebook or Instagram.